Reasons to Add Umbrella Insurance to an Existing Policy

Homeowners and small business owners feel their insurance policies do not provide efficient coverage. Many will add umbrella insurance to their existing policy to extend the protection limits for bodily injuries, property damage, and potential liability lawsuits. HighPointe Insurance Services LLC in Overland Park, KS, can provide valid reasons why adding umbrella insurance offers the best coverage for your immediate needs. 

What Does Umbrella Insurance Cover?

Umbrella insurance helps to protect a policyholder’s assets if their current policy has reached its limits. Often, they will add umbrella insurance to their home, auto, business, and other pertinent policies. Each coverage limit has the potential to be exhausted by bodily injury and property damage claims. Also, umbrella insurance helps a person seeking protection from a libel or slander liability lawsuit. Umbrella insurance helps to keep your future firmly secured from financial demise.

Policyholders Who Should Have Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is the perfect addition to an existing insurance policy, especially if the policyholder has a significant asset portfolio. Also, the coverage is useful for individuals who are constant targets of endless liability lawsuits. Umbrella insurance offers a cost-effective solution for protecting your assets if you must pay a denied claim or lawsuit settlement.

The Ideal Umbrella Insurance Coverage Limit

The umbrella insurance coverage limit should equal the value of your property and assets. This range differs for each policyholder, as they have different risk factors for financial demise. You want enough coverage that eases your insurance concerns. 

Protecting your assets is crucial for maintaining your lifestyle. At HighPointe Insurance Services LLC in Overland Park, KS, our staff is ready to answer your questions and concerns about umbrella insurance. We can provide a guide that shows the coverage needed for life’s unexpected mishaps. Call and schedule an appointment today. 

What is Not Covered by RV Insurance

While RV insurance provides a safety net for many situations, certain scenarios and items fall outside its protective reach. These exclusions can range from personal belongings inside the RV to specific modifications made to the vehicle. By delving into the intricacies of what your policy may not cover, you can proactively take steps to mitigate risks and secure additional protection where necessary. At HighPointe Insurance Services LLC in Overland Park, KS, we provide RV insurance. Here is what you need to know about RV coverage.

What is Not Covered by RV Insurance

Knowing what is not covered in RV insurance is crucial to avoid unpleasant surprises. One common exclusion is regular RV maintenance costs and wear and tear. Insurance typically does not cover mechanical breakdowns or failures that result from a lack of maintenance.

In addition, most policies do not cover personal belongings inside the RV. While the vehicle itself may be insured, your personal items, such as electronics, clothing, and jewelry, are usually not included in the coverage. It’s important to consider separate insurance options for these belongings or ensure they are protected through other means while on the road. We can walk you through all of your options and what is available coverages you have. 

Contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC in Overland Park for RV Insurance

Protecting your RV investment is critical, and HighPointe Insurance Services LLC professionals are here to help. It’s always best to schedule an appointment with one of our insurance agents to learn what’s covered in your policy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about RV insurance. 

The Condo Insurance Checklist: Essential Coverage Every Owner Needs

Embarking on the condo life journey is thrilling, and at the heart of this adventure is securing appropriate condo insurance coverage for your home. At HighPointe Insurance Services LLC, serving Overland Park, KS, and surrounding areas, we’re all ears and ready to guide you on the must-have coverage for every condo owner.

What’s on Your Condo Insurance Checklist?

Let’s lay down the basics. Start with coverage for your personal belongings on your insurance checklist, from the beloved couch to the cherished artwork on your living room wall. But covering your personal belongings isn’t enough. You need liability coverage as your backup plan for life’s unexpected accidents.

Extra Coverage for Your Peace of Mind

Imagine if a storm severely damages your building, forcing you to seek temporary shelter elsewhere. That’s a situation where the loss of use coverage becomes essential. Don’t overlook special assessments, either. You’ll likely have to pay your share if your condo association faces unexpected expenses. However, the right policy can relieve you of these costs.

Ready to Secure Your Condo Life?

If you’re setting up your carefree condo life in Overland Park, KS, or the surrounding areas, visit us at HighPointe Insurance Services LLC today. We’re dedicated to simplifying insurance, ensuring you fully understand your coverage. With us, you can confidently enjoy your condo life, knowing that all your insurance bases are covered. Let us help you turn your condo into the worry-free sanctuary it deserves to be.

3 Ways To Prevent An Infestation When Renting An Apartment

Expert Tips on Protecting Your Apartment from Pest Infestation

When you inhabit a rented apartment, it’s inevitable that your space overlaps with those of other tenants. Consequently, the condition of their living spaces could potentially impact yours. One such fallout could be a pest infestation. Here are three preventive measures to shield your apartment and personal belongings from such nuisances.

Deploy Essential Oils as Natural Pest Repellants

Certain essential oils act as potent deterrents for numerous insects. Leveraging the scents of eucalyptus oil, refreshing mint, and soothing lavender can form a perimeter around your wall vents and doorways, thus preventing the entrance of pests into your apartment. It’s important, however, to keep these oils beyond the reach of pets as they could potentially be toxic.

Properly Stow Away your Food

To critters and pests, any food left open is an irresistible invitation. It’s thus crucial to seal away your food securely, particularly if it’s something ordinarily left open – this includes cereal, cookies, chips, and other pantry items. Doing so significantly reduces food smells that are likely to attract pests. Always endeavor to store dishes every night and not permit food to stay out for long durations.

Position Traps Wisely

If you suspect a pest infestation, it might be wise to set traps in discreet, dark areas. This proactive move could catch roaches, termites, and other unwelcome critters, thereby offering you the chance to alert your landlord, order treatments, and look for the most competitive renters insurance quotes in Overland Park, KS. Contact our team at HighPointe Insurance Services LLC for a fruitful conversation.

Using the Boat for Racing or Commercial Purposes and How It Affects Insurance

Understand the Impact of Boat Use on Insurance

Boats are versatile, serving various needs, from leisurely cruises to commercial operations or heated races. However, the use of the ship significantly influences its insurance coverage, especially for owners in Overland Park, KS. Comprehending how these factors influence insurance is critical for boat owners seeking ideal protection.

Boat Racing and Insurance Implications

Boat races immerse enthusiasts in an exhilarating competitive space. Nonetheless, racing increases the existence of risks which influences the insurance coverage. In insurance circles, boat racing is considered a high-risk activity due to the potential for accidents, collisions, and damage to vessels and property. Specialized insurance policies become a necessity for boat owners participating in races. These policies often feature high coverage limits and provisions for liabilities arising from racing-related incidents.

The intended use of the boat substantially determines the insurance premiums and the coverage options. High-risk activities such as races or commercial activities usually require high insurance premiums due to the potential risks. Typically, insurance providers consider the type of boat, its value, the extent of coverage sought, and the owner’s experience and safety record when determining the insurance premiums.

Boat owners using their vessels for races or commercial activities must accurately disclose the intended use of the ship when acquiring insurance to ensure adequate coverage. Failure to do this can result in coverage gaps and claim denial in the event of an incident. HighPointe Insurance Services LLC, located in Overland Park, KS, is poised to answer any queries and concerns regarding boat insurance coverage. Do not hesitate to call us today. We can help you get a quote and find a policy!

When should I start looking for a new motorcycle insurance plan in Kansas?

Those living in the Overland Park, KS, area need to have a way to get around their community. For many, having a motorcycle can be a fun and efficient way to do so. When you are going to purchase a motorcycle here, getting the right insurance for it is essential. There are various situations when you should start looking and shopping for a new motorcycle insurance plan for your vehicle. 

When Buying a New Motorcycle

A situation when you need to get a new motorcycle insurance plan is when you are looking to buy a new motorcycle. If you have opted to purchase a bike when you are in Kansas, you will want to know that you are covered. While you could have dealer insurance for a short period, having a full and proper policy established as soon as possible is advantageous. Once you start looking for a motorcycle, you should also consider your insurance options. 

Any Other Time

While you may have a motorcycle insurance plan today, there are plenty of other situations when you should consider a new policy. By shopping around, you may find a more affordable policy or better coverage options. Because of this, it continues to be a good idea to look for a new policy periodically. 

While riding a motorcycle in the Overland Park, KS area, can be a lot of fun; some risks go along with it. As you are looking for a plan here, you can call our team with HighPointe Insurance Services LLC. Our HighPointe Insurance Services LLC team knows how important this coverage is and will give you any support you need to build your next policy. 

Common myths about motorcycle insurance

Is there anything more fun than riding a motorcycle? If you decide to ride a bike, you should prepare for responsibilities. Protecting your motorcycle, passengers, and other people on the road is one of these responsibilities. If you shop for motorcycle insurance, you should be aware of popular myths about it. In this blog post, we are going to debunk them:

Myth 1: It is not required in Kansas to carry motorcycle insurance

The truth is that motorcycle insurance is like car insurance. That means riding a motorcycle without insurance means breaking the law. If you decide to ride without a valid insurance policy, be ready to face financial consequences and other penalties. 

Myth 2. Motorcycle insurance costs too much

It is incorrect to say that motorcycle insurance is expensive because certain factors determine its cost. These factors are the type and age of a motorcycle, location, any present modifications to the motorcycle, and others. Based on these factors, an insurance agent will help calculate your exact insurance cost.  

Myth 3: Collision and comprehensive coverage are the same

Collision and comprehensive coverage are the most common terms in insurance, but they are different. Collision coverage covers physical damage, while comprehensive coverage covers damage unrelated to road accidents. 

As you can see, motorcycle insurance has certain misconceptions. This makes the choice of proper motorcycle insurance more complicated, especially for new policyholders. If you live in Kansas and need help looking for an insurance plan, contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC, serving customers in Overland Park, KS. 

Debunking Three Common Myths About Life Insurance in Overland Park, KS

Have you been hesitating to purchase life insurance coverage because you believe one of the many myths associated with this incredibly important financial solution? At HighPointe Insurance Services LL in Overland Park, KS, we want you to make an informed decision based on the facts when considering life insurance. Here are some myths about life insurance you don’t have to worry about.

Myth 1: Life Insurance Only Exists for Final and Funeral Expenses

Life insurance is not just limited to covering final expenses. Your life insurance policy can provide assistance in various ways, such as debt repayment, estate planning, income replacement, mortgage payoff, funding education for your loved ones, and ensuring your family continues to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle even after you’re no longer with them.

In addition, certain policies offer living benefits. Under specific circumstances, you can often access your life insurance policy.

Myth 2: Life insurance is Prohibitively Expensive for Most People

Do you assume a life insurance policy costs an extravagant amount? Many people do. However, many types of life insurance policies and packages exist. Like any form of insurance, costs can vary based on several factors.

There’s a good chance a life insurance package is easily within your budget. Contact insurance services and compare quotes to see how affordable a life insurance policy can be. Also, like with other forms of insurance, you can find savings on life insurance in many ways with a little research.

Myth 3: Life Insurance Offered By Your Employer is Good Enough

Your employer might offer a group life insurance policy as part of your overall benefits package. While that’s an excellent benefit to have from your employer, it might not meet all your needs.

In addition, you might lose that coverage if you leave the job. Consider adding personal coverage to your employer’s benefits for better and customized protection for you and your family.

What Else Have You Heard about Life Insurance?

The myths listed here don’t scratch the surface of all the false information people believe about life insurance in Overland Park, KS. If you want to know more about starting an affordable life insurance policy for you and your family, contact us at HighPointe Insurance Services LLC.

The Top Four Risks Faced By Small Businesses

Setting up and running a small business could be a dream come true. With the right ideas and effort, you may secure financial freedom and improve your overall quality of life. However, small business owners must contend with a variety of risks. Fortunately, you can often take measures, like getting commercial insurance policies, to mitigate many threats. Contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC, serving Overland Park, KS, to learn more about business insurance.

Be Wary of the Weather

When natural disasters strike, the focus is often on families. However, many small businesses can be affected as well. A hurricane or tornado, for example, can wipe out the main street in your town. If you have the appropriate commercial policies, they can provide resources to rebuild.

Be Mindful of Manmade Disasters as Well

It’s possible that a faulty electrical system at your place of business could cause an electrical fire. In such cases, you may risk losing your business and income if you lack commercial insurance coverage. Other manmade disasters, like car accidents, can also affect businesses.

Market Pressures Are Often Constant

You’ll likely face competitors in your chosen industry. Proper strategic planning, human resources management, and other steps can improve your competitiveness. It’s wise to keep an eye on the competition and ensure you’re able to respond.

Liabilities are Ever-present

If a customer at your store slips on a wet floor or you damage a client’s car in your auto mechanic shop, you could be held liable. Some commercial insurance policies will provide coverage for various liabilities, thus reducing risks.

If you’re considering taking out commercial insurance, contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC, serving Overland Park, KS.

Perils Options When Purchasing Home Insurance

When you contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC for homeowners insurance, you might think there’s just one type, but you have four choices: HO-1, HO-2, HO-3, and HO-8 coverage.

What makes the four homeowners insurance options so different? Each level of insurance covers a different number of perils.

What’s an insurance peril?

The term peril refers to natural and human-induced hazards. Examples of perils include fire, tornado, hurricane, and vandalism. Insurance policies cover specific perils, so if you need to cover a variety of situations that threaten Overland Park, KS frequently choose a policy with a higher peril coverage level.

Guide to Homeowners Policy Options

In Kansas, tornados occur with some frequency. Droughts and floods also happen with some climatic regularity. That doesn’t mean that completes the list of potential perils you need a policy to cover. Here’s a quick guide to home policies to cover homeowners.


An HO-1 policy covers 11 specific perils only. This named-peril policy includes:

  • Aircraft crash
  • explosion
  • Fire and lightning
  • Glass that’s part of the home, such as windows
  • Riots and civil commotion
  • smoke
  • theft
  • Vandalism and malicious mischief
  • Vehicle collision
  • Volcanic eruptions
  • Windstorms and hail.

Very few companies still offer this limited coverage.


An HO-2 policy also offers only named peril coverage. It covers all the perils of an HO-1 policy, plus the following:

  • Falling objects
  • Water damage is caused by accidental overflow of plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), or household appliances.


Most homeowners choose the HO-3 policy, called an all-perils policy. If anything except rising water flood damages a home, this policy covers it.


Also called historical home coverage, the HO-8 policy covers the same perils as an HO-1 policy. Only owners of historical homes and architecturally significant homes can qualify for this policy.

Contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC for Home Insurance to Protect Your Investment

Contact HighPointe Insurance Services LLC to obtain a homeowners’ insurance policy that provides your Overland Park, KS home the protection it needs.